Abdullahi Ahmed, FACP, FAASM
M.D., Assistant Professor FTA (Clinician-Educator), VA affiliate
Abdullahi Ahmed, FACP, FAASM
Office Address
John D Dingell, VAMC, Sleep Lab, 4646 John R, Detroit, Michigan, 48201
office phone 313-576-3336
Post Graduate Training
Wayne State University/Detroit Medical Center Sleep Medicine Fellowship
Detroit, MI
Sleep Medicine Fellow , July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016
Department of Neuroscience at the University of Rome (La Spienza)
Rome, Italy
Doctoral (PhD) student: , January 1991 – November 1993
Faculty Appointments
Associate Program Director, Sleep Fellowship
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine,
Wayne State University
Staff Physician, Sleep medicine Section
Somali National University – Faculty of Medicine & surgery
Mogadishu, Somalia
January 1981 – December 1984, Doctor of Medicine (Laurea’ di Medicina’ e Chirurgia)
Conemaugh Valley Memorial Hospital Program/Affiliated Temple University Medical School
Johnstown, PA
June 1994 - June 1997, Internship and resident in Internal Medicine
Mogadishu General Teaching Hospital
Mogadishu, Somalia
January 1985 – November 1986, Resident in Internal Medicine
1. Rastogi R, Badr MS, Ahmed A, Chowdhuri S. Amelioration of sleep disordered breathing with supplemental oxygen in older adults. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2020 Dec 1;129(6):1441-1450.
2. K Ross, S Badr, S Pranathiageswaran, A Ahmed, A Qadir, S Chowhduri “Effects of sustained hyperoxia on breathing stability”.
3. A Qadir, D Franso, A Ahmed, M Al-Ali, W Tanyous, S Badr, et al. “Improving compliance with the quality of processes, measures for the care of patients with insomnia, OSA and RLS”. Poster presentation QUESST Research Day. Wayne State University. Detroit, Michigan. April 2016.
1. Primary Central Sleep Apnea Chapter- Encyclopedia of Sleep and Circadian Rhythm. Accepted November 2021 and to be published soon.
Reports of Original Work
1. Khalif Bile, Abdullahi Isse, Osman Mohamed, Peter Allebeck, Lars Nilsson, Helene Norder, Isa Mashhawar, Lars Magnus. “Contrasting roles of rivers and wells as source of drinking water on attack and fatality rates of Hepatitis E in Somalia.” Am trop Medicine. Hyg. 1994; 51(4): 466-272.
2. Khalif Bile, Osman Mohamed, Cadiga Aden, Abdullahi Isse, Helene Norder, Lars Nilsson, Lars Magnus. “The risk of Hepatitis A, B, C at two institutions for children in Somalia with different socio-economic conditions.” Am trop Medicine. Hyg. 1992; 47(3):357-364.
3. K. Bile, M. Abdirahman, O. Mohamed, C. Aden, A. Isse, L. Nilsson, L. Magnus. “Late seroconversion to Hepatitis B in a Somalia Village indicates the important role of venereal transmission. Am trop Medicine. Hyg. 1991; 94: 367-373.
4. S. O. Ismail. H. Jama Ahmed, L. Grillner, B. Hederstedt, A. Isse, S.M. Bygdeman. “Sexually transmitted diseases in male in Mogadishu, Somalia.” Int. J. STD & AIDS. 1990; 1: 102-106.
5. Jama H, Osman S, A. Isse, Omar K, Bygdeman, S. “Genital Chlydmydia Trachomatic infection in pregnant women in Mogadishu, Somalia.” Published in African Journal Sexually Transmitted Diseases.
6. Jama H, Grillner L, Biberfeld G, Osman S, A. Isse, Abdirahman M, Bygdeman S. “Sexually transmitted viral infections in various populations in Mogadishu, Somalia. “ Genitourin Med. 1987; 63: 329-32.
7. Jama H, Hederstedt B, Osman S, Omar K, A. Isse, Bygdeman S. “Syphilis in women of reproductive age in Mogadishu, Somalia: Serological survey.” Genitourin Med. 1987; 63: 326-28.
8. M. A. Yusuf, M. Muhudin, A. M. Mohamed, M. M. Ali, A. I. Ahmed, M. Marangi, S. Sangiugni, C. Bianchini. “ La Filarosi infatica in Somalia (Descrizione di otto casi).” Acta Medit Patol. Infec e Trop. 1987; 6: 95.
Case Reports
1. Abdullahi Isse Ahmed, Amany Azab. “Methotrexate-related pulmonary complication in a patient with Rheumatoid arthritis with pre-existing lung disease.” ACP Pennsylvania Scientific Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA: October 27-28, 1995.
2. Jyothi Gella, Abdullahi Isse Ahmed, Martin Evers: “Cancer Family Syndrome in a patient with multiple cancers.” ACP Eastern Pennsylvania Associates Meetings, Valley Forge, PA; February 23-24, 1996.