Ghulam Saydain, MD, FCCP
M.D., Professor (Clinician-Educator), Associate Chair Department of Internal Medicine, Chief of Medicine Harper University-Hutzel Women's Hospital, Director Pulmonary Hypertension Program, Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Division
313-993 2988 (fax)
Ghulam Saydain, MD, FCCP
Office Address
Administrative office:
4201 St. Antoine, University Health Center, Suite 2E, Detroit, Michigan 48201
Division office:
Harper University Hospital
3990 John R, 3-Hudson
Detroit, Michigan, 48201
Post Graduate Training
7/1/99 to 6/30/00
Fellow, Critical Care Medicine
Mayo Graduate School of Medicine,
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
7/1/97 to 6/30/99
Fellow, Pulmonary Disease
Nassau University Medical Center, NY
7/1/95 to 6/30/97
Resident, Internal Medicine
SUNY (East Meadow) Program, at
Nassau University Medical Center, NY
2/1/85 to 5/30/88
Trainee Resident for Sheri Kashmir Institute of Medical Postgraduate Course (MD) Sciences,
Srinagar, Kashmir, India in
Internal Medicine
1/20/83 to 1/19/85
Internship SMHS Hospital,
Srinagar, Kashmir,
Internal Medicine India
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Reviews and Books
Review Articles:
1. Saydain G, * Raoof S, George L. Newer Therapies : Plasmapheresis, immunoglobulins and monoclonal antibodies. Critical Care Clinics 2002 ; 18: 957-975
2. Raoof S., Shah J., Saydain G et al: Role of Bronchoscopy in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients. Journal of Bronchology 2000; 7:326-339
Book Chapters :
Saydain G, Patel, M*, Guntupali, K. Management of asthma and COPD in ICU, In editor in chief Yatin Mehta MD : Text Book of Critical Care, Publisher: Jaypee Publishers London/New Delhi , 2016 PP 344-350 ( ISBN 978-93-5152-968-2) ISBN 978-9
Saydain, G. Pulmonary hypertension, In P Sanchetee (ed): Text Book of Geriatrics, Paras Medical Publisher, 2014 (ISBN: 978-81-8191-418-7)
Pena T*, Saydain G, Soubani O. Pulmonary hypertension associated with sarcoidosis, In Michael R. Connor and Ryan S. Stevens (editors): Sarcoidosis: diagnosis, epidemiology and treatment Options. e-book series. Nova Publishers. 2012
Saydain G & Feinfeld D. Acid base disorders, In S. Raoof (ed): American College of Physicians (ACP) Manual of Critical Care. New York, McGraw Hill Medical 2008, pp 488-498
1. Sankri-Tarbichi, AG * & Saydain G. Reduced Lung volumes in a rare case of Cushing's Syndrome due to thymic carcinoid of the lung. The Journal of Respiratory Diseases, July 2008 ; 29: 281-284
2. Saydain G, Raoof S & Khan F: Solitary Large Lung Mass and Amenorrhea in a Female Smoker JK-Practitioner 2002; 9(4): 244-246
3. Saydain G*& Albright R. An Elderly Female with Increasing Thirst and Lethargy. Mayo Clinic Proceedings 2001; 76: 1053-1056
1. Singh J*, Subramanian M*, Levin D & Saydain G. Clinical Course of Patients With Septic Pulmonary Embolism Among Injection Drug Users With Infective Endocarditis. Oral presentation at the Annual meeting of American College of Chest Physicians Oct 2007 at Chicago IL
2. Saydain G, Singh *J and Levine, DP. Outcome of Injection Drug Users with Infective Endocarditis Admitted to ICU Poster presentation at the 9th International Symposium on Modern Concepts in Endocarditis and Cardiovascular Infections Heidelberg Germany June 15 2007
3. Sankri-Tarbichi, AG* & Saydain G. Reduced Lung volumes in a rare case of Cushing;s Syndrome due to thymic carcinoid of the lung. Chest 2006; 130: 324S Oral presentation October 24 2006 Annual meeting of American College of Chest Physician .
4. G Saydain, M Rahman* , H Alnachawati* , S Mehrishi, L George, A Karnik , S Raoof. Persistent Respiratory Ailments Among Workers Responding to World Trade Center (WTC) Disaster. Presented at the American Thoracic Society international meeting at San Diego May 2006
5. Saydain G, Ali F*, Mahmood S* et al: Respiratory diseases in workers involved in World Trade Center disaster rescue operations. Oral presentation at the CHEST 2002 ( American College Of Chest Physicians at San Diego, CA in Nov. 2002), Chest 2002 ; 122: 30s (Abstract)
6. Saydain G, Beck KC et al. Clinical Significance of Isolated High Diffusing Capacity. Poster presented at ATS meeting at Atlanta, Georgia on May 21, 2002. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2002; 165 , A 500 ( Abstract)
7. Joseph G*, Saydain G, et al . Diffusing capacity (DLCO) in morbidly obese (MO) individuals. Poster presentation at American Thoracic Society international conference Seattle WA , on May 19, 2003
(Abstract) Am J Resp Crit Care 2003; 167 : A 421
8. Joseph G*, Awan A,.Saydain G. et al . Elimination of tuberculosis : Is regional epidemiology important? Poster presentation at American Thoracic Society international conference Seattle WA , on May 19, 2003(Abstract) Am J Resp Crit Care 2003; 167 : A 818
Completed Grants
Role: Co-Investigator and Principal Investigator for Site.
Principal Investigator: William Nicholas
National Biological Sample and Repository for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
The major goal of this study is to develop a repository of biological sample (blood) and development of biomarkers for pulmonary arterial hypertension. This study is being conducted in 20 academic centers in the USA.
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: Paul Scanlon, MD
Clinical significance of elevated diffusing capacity
Sponsor: NIH grant HL-59248
Role: Co-Investigator
Principal Investigator: Steve Peters, MD
Outcome of patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis admitted to the intensive care unit.
Sponsor: Robert N. Brewer Family Foundation and the Mayo Foundation
Closed Clinical Trial
Role : Principle Investigator
Proposal Title: A Phase 3, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Double-blind, Adaptive Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Inhaled Treprostinil in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (PH-COPD) Protocol #RIN-PH-304
Completed Clinical Trial
Role: Principal Investigator
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (PAH QuERI) extension
This is a study to assess and improve quality of patient care in pulmonary artery hypertension through educational interventions. The study has about 800 patients and we have contributed 12 patients and these patients will be followed for 5 years.
Sponsor: Actelion Pharmaceuticals, LTD. Protocol # CHRC-002
2003-2005 Co-investigator World Trade Center Worker and Volunteer Medical Monitoring Program: Principal investigator Dr Benjamin Luft MD. ( I was co-investigator for the over all grant and principal investigator for this IRB approved program at our institution (Nassau University Medical Center) which is one of the sites approved for the project (2004-2005) The program is sponsored through a funded grant from CDC)
National Registries:
2007 Principal Investigator, Registry to Evaluate Early and Long-Term PAH Disease Management (REVEAL Registry), Multicenter Study. (Status : ongoing)
2007 Principal Investigator, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (PAH QuERI) (Status : ongoing)
Non Funded clinical Projects:
2004-2005 Principal investigator Achieving durable glucose control in the intensive care unit without hypoglycemia (multicenter clinical study)
2001-2005 Principal investigator: Respiratory diseases in workers involved in World Trade Center disaster rescue operations.
2002-2003 Principal investigator, Diffusing capacity (DLCO) in morbidly obese (MO) individuals
Commercially Sponsored Projects:
2008 ATHENA-1: A Randomized, Multicenter Study of Ambrisentan and Sildenafil Combination therapy in Subjects with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension who have Demonstrated a Sub-Optimal Response to Sildenafil ( Approved)
2007 Principal Investigator, Effects of Combination of Bosentan and Sildenafil versus Sildenafil Monotherapy on Morbidity and Mortality in Symptomatic Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Parallel Group, Prospective, Event Driven Phase IV Study. Multicenter study sponsored by Actelion Pharmaceuticals. ( Ongoing)
2007 Principal Investigator, A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Study of the Phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) Inhibitor Tadalafil in the Treatment of Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Multicenter Study sponsored by Eli Lilly and Co. (Status : closed)
2007 Principal Investigator, Extension Study to Evaluate the Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of the Phosphodiesterase Type 5 (PDE5) Inhibitor Tadalafil in the Treatment of Patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Multicenter Study sponsored by Eli Lilly and Co.
2007 Principal Investigator, Randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter, parallel group study to assess the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of bosentan in patients with symptomatic pulmonary arterial hypertension associated with sickle cell disease. ASSET-1: Assessment in patients with Sickle cell disease of the Efficacy and safety of bosentan Therapy on Pulmonary arterial hypertension. Multicenter study Sponsred by Actelion Pharmaceiticals (Status : Study closed )
2007 Principal Investigator, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Multicenter, Parallel Group Study to Assess the Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of Bosentan in Patients with Symptomatic Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Sickle Cell Disease. ASSET-2: Assessment in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease of the Efficacy and Safety of Bosentan Therapy on Pulmonary Hypertension. Multicenter study sponsored by Actelion Pharmaceuticals. (Status : closed)
2007 Principal Investigator, Long-Term, Open-Label, Multicenter Extension Study of Bosentan in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension Associated with Sickle Cell Disease Completing a Double-Blind ASSET Study. ASSET-3: Assessment in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease of the Efficacy and Safety of Bosentan Therapy on Pulmonary Hypertension. Multicenter study sponsored by Actelion Pharmaceuticals. (Status : Closed)
2007 Sub-Investigator, ACCESS: A controlled Comparison of Eritoran Tetrasodium and Placebo in Patients with Severe Sepsis. Multicenter study sponsored by Eisai. (Ongoing)
2007 Principal Investigator, A Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind, Three-Arm Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Tifacogin (Recombinant Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor) Administration in Subjects with Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia ( closed)
2007 Principal Investigator, Registry to Evaluate Early and Long-Term PAH Disease Management (REVEAL Registry), Multicenter Study Sponsored by Actelion Pharmaceuticals. (Status : ongoing)
2007 Principal Investigator, Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Quality Enhancement Research Initiative (PAH QuERI) (Status : ongoing)
2007 Sub-investigator ; A 26 week treatment multicenter, double blind, double dummy, randomized placebo-controlled seamless, parallel group study to assess the efficacy safety and tolerability of two doses of Indacterol in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, using blinded formeterol and open label tiotropium as active control. (PI: Safwan Badr, ongoing)
2007 Sub-investigator : An Open-Label Clinical Study Evaluating the Long-Term Safety of ALTU-135 for the treatment of Patients with Cystic Fibrosis-Related Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency Funding Source: Altus Pharmaceuticals
PI: Dana Kissner, M.D. (Status: Open)
2007 Sub-investigator: A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Study Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of ALTU-135 reatment in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis-Related Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. Funding Source: Altus Pharmaceuticals PI: Dana Kissner (Status: Open)
2007 Sub investigator : A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo- Controlled Trial of Pulmozyme Withdrawl on Exercise Tolerance in Cystic Fibrosis Subjects with Severe Lung Disease Funding Source:Genentech (PI: Dana Kissner Status: Open)
2003-2004 Principal investigator Role of drotrecogin Alfa (activated) Alfa in early sepsis phase III, multi-center study (Closed)
1997-1999 : Co-investigator , Safety and Efficacy of Procysteine in Patients with ARDS (Acute respiratory Distress Syndrome): Multi-center Clinical Trial Co-investigator Safety and Efficacy of Surfaxin in Patients with ARDS: Multicenter Clinical Trial.
Co-investigator: Partial Liquid Ventilation in ARDS. A Multicenter Trial.
Government Medical College, Srinagar J&K, India
MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery)
Faculty Appointments
Professor of Internal Medicine
Clinician Educator Track
Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Division,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
08/2020 - present
Associate Professor of Internal Medicine
Clinician Educator Track
Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Division,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
08/2016 - 07/2020
Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
Clinician Educator Track
Pulmonary Critical Care and Sleep Division,
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI
05/2005 - 08/2016
Clinical Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine
State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY
07/2001- 04/2005
Clinical Interests
Pulmonary Hypertension, Critical Care, Adult Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Sepsis, Pulmonary involvement in systemic diseases
Research Interests
Pulmonary hypertension, sepsis, prevention of health care associated infections
Published Abstracts
1. Abraham, K; Li, W; Yost, R; Abraham, P; Saydain, G; Dolman, H; Park, L. Use of Bispectral Index to Monitor Sedation in Critically Ill Patients on Neuromuscular Blockade selected for presentation during Critical Care Medicine: 2019; 47: 555
2. Alchakaki A*, Saydain G. Complete Reversal of HIV- Related Pulmonary Hypertension. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care 2017; 195: A6205
3. S Haider*, S Konduri*, R Gupta*, C Mandapakala*, G Saydain. Reducing the number of Stat Radiology Orders in the MICU. Chest 2016; 150: 218A
4. Usman M*, Ansari S*, Khan S, Littsey S, Kleinow P, Swerdlow P, Saydain G. Adult sickle cell disease patients with reduced forced expiratory volume in first second have increased mortality. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care 2014; 189:A3548
5. Swamy P*, Kosuri K, Saydain G, Pulmonary hypertension and multiple sclerosis - coincidence or association? Chest. 2012; 142: 133A-133A. Presented at the American College of Chest Physicians Annual meeting 2012
6. Elliot G, Brown M, Poms A, Liou T, Reskob G, Saydain G, Turner M and McGoon M. Right heart catheterization in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: practice patterns observed in REVEAL Registry. The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 2011; 30:S80.
7. Kapoor R*, Khan A; Barrantes J*, Ross R, Gowda S and Saydain G. A rare potentially reversible cause of severe pulmonary hypertension in a young adult hypoxic patient. Chest 2011; 140:177A.
8. Ansari, S*, Usman M*, Bharghava A*, Dalal B, Lisabette l, Swerdlow P, Mubarak K, and Saydain G. Echocardiographic evaluation of patients with sickle cell disease. Chest 2011; 140:A729
9. Ansari, S*, Usman M*, Bharghava A*, Dalal B*, Lisabette l, Swerdlow P, Mubarak K and Saydain G. Hemodynamic characteristics of sickle cell disease patients undergoing right heart catheterization. Chest 2011; 140:882A.
10. Awan A*, Manickam P*, Kleinow P*, Sunkireddy P, Ahmad M, and Saydain G. Impact of pre-existing pulmonary hypertension on survival of critically ill patients Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2010 May; 181:A4536.
11. Badheka A*, Yoo W, Dalal B*, Badr S and Saydain G. Pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular failure in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the era of lung protective ventilation. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. 2010 May; 181:A4535.
12. G Saydain, J Singh, DP Levine. Outcome of injection drug users with infective endocarditis admitted to ICU Clinical Research in Cardiology 2007; 96: 440-440
13. L George, T George, T George, G Saydain. Bronchial asthma prevalence, management, and education in Nassau County Public Schools. 2003 Chest;124: S140
14. G Saydain, F Ali, S Mahmood, S Mehrishi, L George, A Karnik, C O'neill, S Raoof. Respiratory diseases in workers involved in World Trade Center (WTC) disaster rescue operations Chest 2002; 122: 30S
15. G Saydain, D Colquhoun, W Hostetter, S Raoof, C Carvounis, L George, Validation of pressure-volume curves utilizing a new test lung model. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med 1999;159: A7
16. G Saydain, A Olajitan, L George, A Karnik, S Raoof, L Raju. Flexible bronchoscopy in sputum smear negative suspected pulmonary tuberculosis. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med 1999 ; 159: A30
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Saydain G. Pulmonary hypertension: affecting many young women. Receiving Neighbors, January 2012, p. 14-15.
2. Saydain, G. Pulmonary hypertension. Receiving Advantage, January 2012 p 13-15
3. Saydain, G. Small changes bring big results in quality. Receiving Advantages, Jan2013
Podium Presentations (refereed)
1. A Kanj, G Saydain – Life Threatening Metabolic and Electrolyte Abnormality Following a Strict Low Carbohydrate Diet. Chest, 2019 - journal.chestnet.org
2. Haider, S*, Konduri,S , Gupta S Mandapakala S, Saydain G. Reducing the number of STAT radiology orders in the MICU. Third prize winner at QuESST Oral presentation for Quality Improvement projects. Detroit MI April 20, 2016
3. Gupta R, Kissner D, Saydain G. Portopulmonary hypertension due to cystic fibrosis liver disease: long lasting efficacy of Tadalafil as single oral agent. . Presented at the Annual North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference , October 8-10 2015
4. Ansari, S*, Usman M*, Bharghava A*, Dalal B*, Lisabette l, Swerdlow P, Mubarak K and Saydain G. Hemodynamic characteristics of sickle cell disease patients undergoing right heart catheterization. Chest 2011; 140:882A. Presented at the annual meeting of American College of chest Physicians. Hawaii, October 2011
5. Singh J*, Subramanian M*, Levin D & Saydain G. Clinical course of patients with septic pulmonary embolism among injection drug users with infective endocarditis. Presented at the Annual meeting of American College of Chest Physicians. Chicago, IL, October 2007.
6. Saydain G, Rahman M*, Alnachawati* H, Mehrishi S, George L, Karnik A, & Raoof S. Persistent respiratory ailments among workers responding to World Trade Center disaster. Presented at the American Thoracic Society, international meeting. San Diego May 2006.
Poster Presentations (refereed)
1. Ii W Ibrahim K Yost R … Saydain G et al. Impact of BIS Monitoring on Sedation and Analgesia in Patients With ARDS on NMBA. Selected for presentation during SCCM’s 2019 Critical Care Congress
2. Philip J, Hermann K, Saydain G. Sever hemoptysis and respiratory failure in a patient with sever thrombocytopenia: to bronch or not? Presented at American College of Physician Michigan Chapter 2017
3. Haider S, Konduri S, Gupta S, Mandapakala C, Saydain G. Decreasing the number of STAT radiological diagnostic tests in the MICU. Poster presentation at CHEST 2016; Annual Conference of American College of Chest Physicians October 25th 2016 LA USA.
4. Bhargava A*, Patel M*, Kumar A*, Saydain G. Pulmonary sequestration: a diagnostic consideration in recurrent pneumonias in young adults. American College of Physicians chapter meeting, Michigan, Oct 2009
5. Saydain G, Singh J* and Levine, DP. Outcome of injection drug users with infective endocarditis admitted to ICU. 9th International Symposium on Modern Concepts in Endocarditis and Cardiovascular Infections Heidelberg, Germany, June 15, 2007