Susmita Chowdhuri, MD, FCCP, ABSM
M.D., Professor (Research-Educator), Sleep Section Chief, VAMC, Part Time
(313) 576-3685
Fax: (313) 576-1337 (fax)
Susmita Chowdhuri, MD, FCCP, ABSM
Office Address
John D. Dingell VA Medical Center Medicine Department (11M)
4646 John R, Room C3427
Detroit, MI 48201
Post Graduate Training
Residency-Internal Medicine
Albert Einstein College of Medicine-Jacobi Medical Center
Bronx, New York 10462
Fellowship-Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
SUNY University Health Science Center
Syracuse, New York 13210
Fellowship-Sleep Medicine
Stanford University Sleep Disorders Center
Stanford, California 94305
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Reviews and Books
Review Articles and Editorials:
1. Guilleminault C, Chowdhuri S. Upper airway resistance syndrome Oto Rhino Laryngologia Nova . 10, 34:119 126, 2000.
2. Guilleminault C, Chowdhuri S. Obstructive sleep apnea and upper airway resistance syndromes. Proceedings of the Fukuoka Sleep Forum. 22 49, 2000.
3. Guilleminault C, Chowdhuri S. Pro/Con editorial; Upper airway resistance
syndrome is a distinct syndrome: Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 161(5),1412 3,
4. Chowdhuri S. Continuous positive airway pressure for the treatment of sleep apnea. Otolaryngol Clinics North Am. Aug;40(4):807-27, 2007.
6. Chowdhuri S, Crook ED, Taylor HA Jr, Badr MS. Cardiovascular
complications of respiratory diseases. Am J Med Sci. Nov;334(5):361-80, 2007.
Book Chapters:
1. Susmita Chowdhuri, Jed Black. Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in
Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome. In: Terris D and Goode R. Surgical
Management of Sleep Apnea and Snoring. Taylor & Francis, 189-201, 2005.
2. Susmita Chowdhuri, M Safwan Badr. Central Sleep Apnea. In: Avidian A and Allessi C. Geriatric Sleep Medicine. Informa healthcare: pp157-177, 2008.
Principal Investigator: S. Chowdhuri
1998 Department of Medicine Research Grant
SUNY University Health Science Center, Syracuse, NY
Title: Effect of prolonged PEEP on exhaled nitric oxide, 10% effort
2007 Department of VA Career Development Award-2
Title: Determinants of Age Related Breathing Instability during NREM sleep; Funding: 10/2008-10/2013; 50% effort
2007 CPAP-emergent (Complex) Central Sleep Apnea in the Veteran population: Retrospective chart review, 10% effort (non-funded)
PI: MS Badr
Collaborator/sub-investigator and research mentor for sleep fellows:
2004-present Breathing instability and upper airway obstruction during NREM sleep: Effect of sex hormones
2005-present Central sleep apnea: role of long-term facilitation
Protocol: Effect of episodic hypoxia on the hypocapnic apneic threshold during NREM sleep.
2007-present Central Sleep Apnea: Determinants of Consequences
Protocol: Effect of Hyperoxia on the hypocapnic apneic threshold during NREM sleep
2008-present AERO: Advanced EPAP Research for OSAH: Multi-center clinical trial on use of PROVENTTM device for treatment of sleep apnea
Medical School
Maulana Azad Medical College
New Delhi, India 110002.
Degree- MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery)
Clinical Rotating Internship
Maulana Azad Medical College
New Delhi, India 110002
Biostatistics I and II, Wayne State University
Detroit MI 48201
Clinical Research Designs and Statistical Analysis
University of Michigan School of Public Health
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Degree: Masters in Science
Faculty Appointments
2003-present Academic Appointment: Assistant Professor, clinician educator
Department of Medicine
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine
2003-2008 John D. Dingell Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC)
Detroit, MI; FTA WSU
5/2008-present Appointment VAMC and WSU
Clinical Interests
Pulmonary Disorders
Restless Leg Syndrome
Sleep Apnea Diagnosis and Management